Bernhard’s personal journey

„I've always wanted to chart
my own path.”

Bernhard Moestl Public Speaking for Leaders

„Probably I was born a rebel.“

Some people are born with the urge to live their life to the fullest. Bernhard, too, knew from his youth that the price for a conformist, seemingly safe life was far too high for him. »Never«, he says of himself, »did I have the courage to live a life that I could regret in the end.« Born in 1970 in Vienna, where the generation of his grandparents from Northern and Eastern Europe converged, he soon felt the urge to see the world. As the child of two teachers who allowed him to travel to states like the former GDR, he had the dream early on of one day being able to live and work everywhere.

Bei M9TV in Rumänien und in Rishikesh, Indien
Bei M9TV in Rumänien und in Rishikesh, Indien

His master referred to Bernhard as a „European with an Asian mind.”

With Shifu Shi De Cheng in Shaolin, 1996
With Shifu Shi De Cheng in Shaolin, 1996
With Guru Sunil Kumar in Calicut, 2018
With Guru Sunil Kumar in Calicut, 2018

From Shaolin disciple...

Additionally, since his childhood, Bernhard had the desire to become a student of the legendary Shaolin martial monks. Inspired by the TV series »Kung-Fu,« he began to delve into the martial art of Wushu, Zen Buddhism, and the concept of non-violent victory. In 1996, his dream was finally realized: Two days' travel from Beijing, he stood face to face with his master for the first time, who revealed to him a world of wisdom, spirituality, and perfection that surpassed anything Bernhard had ever dreamed of. international bestselling author

Bernhard soon realized that he needed to excel in as many fields as possible to lead the life he dreamed of. After graduating, he pursued training as a photographer and a state-certified massage therapist. He worked as a journalist, programmer, tour guide, trainer, language teacher, copywriter, and lecturer. This supported his often adventurous travels that took him to all continents. However, his true passion was always Asia, where he spent over 15 years of his life. His time with the Shaolin monks left a profound impact on him. Impressed by their seemingly superhuman abilities, he wrote his first book »Shaolin,« which instantly became a hit on the international bestseller lists. Since 2010, Bernhard has been living in Brasov, Romania, and he usually spends the cold winter months in India.

„True masters are those who are­ surpassed by their students.”

Teacher's Day in Tulln, Austria
Teacher's Day in Tulln, Austria
Raisoni University, Nagpur, Indien
Raisoni University, Nagpur, Indien

Master and mentor

In Shaolin, Bernhard discovered that a real master's skill shines when their students succeed. Being a great teacher goes beyond having lots of knowledge; it means being willing to step back and prioritize the progress of your students. For Bernhard, a good teacher is someone who recognizes hidden talents in others and motivates them to do their best, even when they feel like giving up. He's been sharing his knowledge and practical experience for nearly 30 years as a coach, mentor, and lecturer at respected schools. He takes pride in the many international successes achieved by his former students.

Rotary Club in Thailand
Rotary Club in Thailand
With students in China
With students in China
With German Rockstar Peter Maffay in Brasov, Romania
With German Rockstar Peter Maffay in Brasov, Romania


Chinese name 莫 愽汉 Born 13. March 1970 Place of birth Vienna Zodiac Sign: Pisces Ascendant Scorpio Chinese zodiac Sign: Dog Height 187 cm Place of residence Brasov (RO) Learned professions Photographer, medical masseur Other professions Tour guide, author, lecturer Foreign languages English, Romanian, Turkish, Chinese, French Greatest talent Public speaking Countries visited 121 Rotary-Club Wien-Hietzing Book publications 14 Foreign language editions 13 (Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, English, Estonian, Hindi, Italian, Lithuanian, Malayalam, Marathi, Romanian, Russian, Slovakian) Total Print Run ca 1.500.000 copies Publisher Droemer Knaur (D), Goldegg (A), Amaryllis (In) Company Happy Guys SRL

Bernhard Moestl

In high demand by international companies, universities, and at events.

Training for executives
Training for executives
Lectures at customer events
Lectures at customer events
Presentations in bookstores
Presentations in bookstores
Lectures in the German-speaking area...
Lectures in the German-speaking area...
... for TEDx Brasov in Romanian...
... for TEDx Brasov in Romanian...
... or at Raisoni University in English
... or at Raisoni University in English

Photography is life. It wants your entire soul, your undivided attention. It doesn’t want to be shared with anyone.

- Bernhard on photography -


Often, it's the little things that change our lives. Bernhard, as a child, originally dreamed of becoming a tram driver until his mother handed him an old pocket camera. Shortly thereafter, he had a new career aspiration: Captivated by images but not particularly skilled at drawing, Bernhard decided to become a photographer when he was just eleven years old. After completing his training as a professional photographer and achieving the rank of master, he traveled the world as a photojournalist for international media outlets. He also ran a photography studio in Vienna and, as an instructor and lecturer, introduced many people to the craft and essence of photography.

Buffalo herd in Laos
Buffalo herd in Laos
Inle Lake, Myanmar
Inle Lake, Myanmar

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